Sunday, 5 February 2012

My vintage shopping guide

With Vintage becoming ever more popular be it clothing, home ware or beauty there are plenty of Vintage goods on offer but it can all get a bit confusing.

Is it really Vintage?
Am I getting a good deal?
Where is best to shop?

So Ive made this little guide for you all on what to look for and where to go to get your hands on these beautiful one off pieces.

I don't claim to be a vintage expert but it is one of my many passions, I love vintage shopping and have recently started sourcing and selling my own vintage finds.

So now you have decided you have had enough of going out and seeing someone with the same dress, shoes or bag (its happened to me before!) so where do you start?

There are plenty of vintage boutiques popping up on the high street at the moment. These are a great starting place. The staff are both knowledgeable and very helpful. You will also be able to try everything on, see what fits and suits you and most of all what makes you feel comfortable wearing.
With the smaller shops like this you will get to know the staff and they can let you know when there are new arrivals and can recommend what they think you may like.

Vintage Fairs are also becoming really popular right now. With a wide range of vendors you will be spoilt for choice, these vendors will really know their stuff and its really interesting to get chatting to them.
I love attending fairs, as well as a varied range of clothing and accessories some of these fairs have vintage beauty parlours, tea parties and live acts. Its more like a great day out!

Of course there is also online shopping. If your nerves can hold out and you don't mind getting involved in a good old bidding war there is of course Ebay. You can get some great bargains on here you will find allot of sellers also have Ebay stores which you can follow so know when they update new stock.

Online shopping mecca ASOS have recently started their ASOS Marketplace where vintage sellers set up boutiques selling a fab range of clothing and accessories. There is no bidding, all sellers set their prices but as with ebay you can follow the sellers. Allot of the selling will blog regularly and you will often find them giving special discount codes. I have recently started my own ASOS Boutique and I can highly recommend this.

So now you know where to go here are some of my top tips when buying:

1. Try everything on. Clothes were made to a different shape years ago. Ive often found something I love, only to try it on and it just doesn't fit right or suit my shape.

2. If you are going to a Vintage Fair, set a budget and stick to it. With such a wide range available its so easy to get carried away and break the bank balance.

3. Be careful when buying online. Sometimes Ive noticed things advertised as vintage only to find it "vintage style" and actually from Primark or Topshop

4. Check the items thoroughly broken zips are easy to replace but if its stained chances are you'll struggle to get the stain out.

5. As with everything know what suits you and stick to it. Its so easy to get carried away, I once bought a floor length Victorian dress because I loved it. Being short it just doesn't look right and is still to this day hanging in the wardrobe unworn!

Here are some of my favorite places to shop:

Bang Bang Vintage
Syd and Mallory
ASOS Marketplace

The Vintage Fair
Judys Affordable Vintage Fair
The Vintage Festival

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